burn out


burn out

pettää, hajota, joutua epäkuntoon, lakkoilla, rikkoutua, hyytyä, mennä rikki, pysähtyä, palaa loppuun, puhjeta, sammua, palaa, särkyä.


Rimmaavat sanat

burn out rimmaa näiden kanssa:

out, knock-out, ragoût, burnout, passepartout, stout, layout...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

burn out (englanti > suomi)

  1. palaa loppuun

burn out englanniksi

  1. To extinguish due to lack of fuel.

  2. The candle finally burned out.

  3. 1847, (w), (w), Chapter XVIII

  4. Mr. Mason, shivering as some one chanced to open the door, asked for more coal to be put on the fire, which had burnt out its flame, though its mass of cinder still shone hot and red. The footman who brought the coal, in going out, stopped near Mr. Eshton's chair, and said something to him in a low voice, of which I heard only the words, "old woman,"—"quite troublesome."
  5. puhekieltä To tire due to overwork.

  6. After six months of twelve-hour workdays, most people just burn out and quit.

  7. puhekieltä To make (someone) unavailable for work involving exposure to ionizing radiation by employing (the person) in such work until the person's accumulated exposure reaches the maximum permitted for an administrative period, typically a year.

  8. The repairs on this nuclear reactor have burned out every welder in the province.

  9. puhekieltä (of a person) The condition of tiredness due to overwork.

  10. 2002, Chuck Purdy, https://books.google.com/books?id=e3YrAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA168&dq=%22his+burn+out%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIj7GC-MXMAhVL0GMKHebDCcsQ6AEIIjABv=onepage&q=%22his%20burn%20out%22&f=false The Street Saint: Emergency in the Emergency Services

  11. His burn out hadn't been caused by too many dead bodies; it was from spending his life doing for people what most of them had refused to do for themselves.
